
{July 16, 2015}   Working with the horses again

The last week and a half I have been going night and day on next to now sleep. I have been working on this research paper for school on top of taking my midterm for one and filling out about 40 job applications. Tomorrow well today I guess it’s after midnight I have to take my other one. Then I have to go to aid and turn in a bunch of paperwork and hope I can sign up for classes for the fall.

I need to do 20 hours of valenteer time for my Personal finance class by the end of the month. I had been debating on if I was going to do it or not since it is not required. While I was looking for a job I came across a place looking for people. I decided to call. I talked to the lady and read about them on their site. I decided I would take a ride and check them out. When I talked to the lady she said my older two kids could help as well. So me, my big boy and my friend went today and did orientation. We start Sunday after noon.

We are going to be working with rescue horses, from the racetrack. They bring them in train them and then find them homes. We will start out taking them in and out, cleaning up and feeding them. Once we are able to finish our training we will be able to do more with them. I just have to find someone to watch the two little ones so that we can do our training on Wednesdays.

We are all excited, for every 12 hours you do you get a lesson for $20. They teach you everything you need to know but riding, so if you want to be able to ride you have to know how or take lessons. My oldest is already really good from her lessons before, she wants to take classes to do shows. I already told me big boy if he wants to take lessons then he has to work and put in the hours and then I will come up with the $20. The hours I put in are going to be for me to take lessons and for my little guy to maybe take some. I think he can come help with us and if he can he will be going some times but not all the time. He is just to much to keep up with and try to work. My older two have to go when I am with them as well since they are under 13. Right now we are just going to do it on Saturday and Sunday after noons. This way father of the year can take the two little ones why me and the older two go work. Saturdays he works half a day and Sunday me and the kids go to church. Once we find someone to help with the little ones some we will go other times as well. Like I told them I have to find a job and it will all have to work around that as well.

But I am so glad I found it because the kids love to be around the horses and I loved being out there with them even though I just watched and walked around and looked at the animals. I can’t wait until we get to go Sunday.

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