
{July 26, 2015}   Day One at The Barn

Yesterday was mine and my big boys first day working with the horses. We only got an hour in because bad weather was coming so they started early turning the horses out and bring the others in. We mucked a stall or two and took hay to most the horses. We mostly got the hay in the barrel so it could be brought to the stalls since most has horses in them. The girl that was showing us what needed done and how to do it took it in to the stalls. They don’t let anyone in the stalls unless they have been there a while, really know what they are doing and know the horses. Like she said some are great and give you no problems others sometimes will give you problems try to push and get out or take the food not want to get out of the way for you to do what you need to.

I can see this is going to be a good experience for my big boy to really get down and do the lobar not just riding. He did some before but not a lot just enough to show them and for them to see what it was like and they did it in groups so it wasn’t on just one. That was good because they were smaller then too. But I think this is going to be good to help with his upper body strength that he really needs to work on and with balance and coronation. There is a lot of work taking the wheel barrels back and forth to move stuff. He had a few slips yesterday trying to push it and get it under control making it go where he needed and things but he was doing pretty good by the end of the day. He loved it and wanted to do more and stay longer.

The only problem I had I’m worried about is the hay, Yesterday I noticed once we started messing with it my nose drove me crazy. Just very itchy and uncomfortable, I figured because I wasn’t use to being around it, it would get better the more I am out there. But then I noticed when I got home that my throat felt tight and my face felt puffy. It bothered me the rest of the evening, but today when I got up I feel fine. My nose isn’t bothering me and my nose feels fine. I didn’t mess with or get into anything out there that I have not been around before or wasn’t the day we went out for orientation other than the hay.

When we went out they showed us where the hay was, how much to give and things like that, but we didn’t touch it or get that close to it. When we were around the horses before I never messed with it or got into it like we did when we were working yesterday. Yesterday we were pulling it off the bail, getting big arm full and putting in the barrel to take to the stalls dumping out into the stalls. That was enough to cause a problem. I am going to keep going, I just have to try and find something I can take before I go or when I leave to help with the allergies. I just hope I can find something that won’t make me sleepy. Benadril makes me pass out even the smallest amount. Most everything dose because I take nothing ever until it is like this and I have no chose.

If it seems to get worse or I can’t control it then I will have to tell them and find other stuff to do other than mess with the hay. It shouldn’t be a problem if I can get there to get my training because then I can work with the horses in the back and that is more training and things than feeding and cleaning stalls. I guess we shall see.

et cetera