
{September 17, 2017}   Worse Birthday Ever

Today is my Little Guys birthday, he is 7 today and of course it has been a very messed up week since the hurricane hit us and everything else. I been home then was called for training today so had to go do that. The kids all stayed with a friend for the day. I picked them up dropped them off at home, me and the girls went to get cupcakes, gift and dinner. We couldn’t get dinner because the stores are empty of just about any food right now because of the storm. I was going to go to the other store and pick up subs for the night. Not what he wanted but I figured he like them anyway since I couldn’t get what he ask for. We get to the truck to put stuff in and I see a big puddle of water under my truck. It smells like antifreeze. I open the hood and look there is no water in the truck. I called my friend/boss from the shop and he said limp it home (less than a mile) we would have to see where it is coming from. I am not able to go to the other store so I just spend money out on food to be brought to us because I have not been able to do any really shopping with the stores having hardly any food.

Then my Big Guy spilled the cupcakes and the frosting got all over them and the box. The food is going to take an hour to get here and it is already late because I had training and didn’t get home until late. I got here got in a big fight with my mom, she said something about she wondered about the water or something because I never check it. I told her I do and she went on about how she has never seen me and blah blah bullshit bullshit. I told her I do all the time and that I have the guys at work check it if I don’t. Oh yeah you might have them but you don’t. I said yes I do most the time. She started again about she never seen me and on and on. We got in a huge argument. Well I was going to tell you what was probably wrong with it but fuck it blow it up or find someone else to tell you then. Like I am going to be all upset and fall all over telling her I’m sorry or beg her to tell me what is wrong with it. It could be a lot of things, a hose, the water pump, who knows. Not like she can do anything to it anyways. I could careless, what she says or don’t. I know to many people that can tell me or look at it and tell me.

I ordered pizza and they said it would be an hour wait but it was here in about 15 minutes I was surprised. When the guy came my Little Guy told him it was his birthday and they were talking about it. We sat down ate and was just finishing up when someone knocked on the door. I had been waiting for farther of the year to show up out of the blue try to start or think he was just going to come walking in because it was his birthday thinking I wouldn’t say anything because it was. So when the pizza came early I thought that maybe him then when we were done eating and it was so late and someone knocked I thought it maybe. I figured he wouldn’t but also figured if he got a wild hair in his ass he use it as an excuse. I hadn’t even gotten to wash my hands but I didn’t want the kids to answer it if it was him. I had my oldest open the door for me since the others were in the other room. I figured if it was him I would just go outside and tell him he had to leave. It was the pizza delivery guy back, he had a little bag in his hand and gave me. He said for the birthday boy. It was two of those lava cakes and a Sprite. So then he ran out and told him thank you. He thought it was the best thing ever that he would bring that back to him since it was his birthday. I think that help turn his night around a little bit anyway.

I was going to do a surprise party for him this weekend coming up since my Big Boys birthday will be the following weekend at the end of the month. I figured the weekend in the middle would be good. But then we had Irma come through and cause problems and I spent and lost so much money that I figured it be better to wait until the first and do it. It be a few days after my Big boys bday but it can still be for both of them, everyone knows what happen and is still trying to clean up and deal with the storm too. They do not know I am planing it, it is a surprise party I want to keep it that way just in case something happens and we are not able to do it they won’t be disappointed. I told them we would get together with family and things in a week or two when things calmed down but noting about a party with friends and kids from school.

et cetera