
{January 6, 2014}   Major Fail

So my daughter informed me the other day that last year we did nothing for her birthday. Not gift no party nothing at all. Of course I felt bad. It came just a few days or a week after we moved into our place after being homeless for two months or more. I didn’t have the money to do a party I was going to wait a week or so and try to do one. I then found out I was having more problems with the baby and was supposed to be on bedrest. I had been told they could deliver at anytime. I guess it just got forgot about. I know I know I am running to the head of the line for Mommy of the year award.

I want to do something special for her this year so I asked the lady where she use to take riding lessons and my son took therapy riding if she did birthday parties out there with the horse and how much it would be. I really didn’t think she did or would but she contacted me back and wants to know when and how many kids. I have to get a list together tonight and figure out a date so I can tell her and see how much it is going to cost. I hope it isn’t a lot and I am able to do it. I know they will give the kids all rides on the  horses and I am going to see if they can decorate or paint and decorate the horses as well.

I know she will love it and it will give her a chance to ride and show everyone what she learned from her lessons. She only did about 8 lessons and she was doing great. They had started letting her pretty much ride alone and said she could start training to do shows. I can’t wait to start doing them again with her.

I seen at the store they had a cake that is pink camo and they have the pink camo plates and party stuff. I am going to get that for her and find some stuff for goody bags and part favors.

Then I get to start planning Itty Bitties birthday for April I already have hers all planed out. I just have to get it all together and pray we have a nice place by then.

[…] posted Major Fail  the other week about not doing something for my daughters birthday last year. I wanted to do […]

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